wasn’t that somethin’?

After six months in the making, the Plucky Knitter Shindig 2014 is sadly over.

What a weekend!

As co-organizer working on the nuts-and-bolts end I did not have time for many pictures, but my head is still full of all the smiling faces.  While those attending self-reported being shy and introverted, there was not much evidence of this! Groups of knitters congregating in the elegant lobby, many in their monkey-sock pajamas, group yarn consultations spread all over the floors of the Plucky store by the windows for good light, students soaking up new knitting knowledge in Franklin Habit’s classes, fashion show entrants S_T_R_U_T_T_I_N_G their stuff with great aplomb, karaoke singers and “singers” going all out- I was so impressed and a little jealous of the lack of inhibition!

Also impressive is the Plucky crew and the way they set up shop, transform a room into a retailing delight, and stock it to the gills. Thanks so much, everyone. I had a blast.

You came from four countries and thirty states. You came with suitcases full of treats to be shared and consumed, and filled those suitcases right back up with yarn and swag.

I am going to try hard to remember all my thank-yous. Please forgive me if I miss you- my mind is full.

  • Sarah, Hayley, Ryan, Bob, Drew, Rebecca, Christine, Melissa, Nick, Jill, Jody, Amy, Amy (Sarah and I each found a great Amy to help us), and Franklin – you are a joy to work with. I give you what my mother-in-law considers the utmost compliment. You are all “so capable”!
  • Amway Grand Plaza Hotel staff – Chris, Randi, you served us so well.
  • Emma A. and the crew standing in line early to get into the store on Friday – thanks for all the help wrangling and alphabetizing name badges.
  • Annie H. and others for the help arranging swag bags.
  • Susan Heartwell for welcoming all our visitors to Grand Rapids.
  • Chris de Longpre for bringing her critters for a book signing.
  • Shindiggers who shared their ball winders and swifts.
  • Shindiggers who volunteered to teach Instagram and measuring clinics.
  • Ali B. for the leftover beers and full bottle of Whiskey.
  • Kristen H. for being our bouncer.
  • Friend Leslie L. for coffee delivery, and Anne H. for that thirst-quencing coke, Lesa T. for my bottled water, and Anne-Marie for buying me drinks both nights.
  • Leanne for the Tim-Tams. Yum!
  • Angela for talking with my kids and giving each of them chocolate (the one back home got his).
  • Josh M. for introducing the Plucky Fellas to Founders.
  • Anonymous persons dropping off secret gifts for others.
  • My mom and mom-in-law for modeling my skirts at the fashion show – nice legs.
  • Samantha for modeling my Shindiggity socks!
  • My parents for their wheels so I could get around my former hometown as a visitor.
  • My kids for helping out at the fashion show and having more fun than they planned.
  • Our guests, all our guests, shindiggers, students, folks coming to hang out. Wow! You were kind, enthusiastic, generous, patient. You were also pretty awesome shoppers.
  • Grand Rapids – you looked good and gave our guests things to see and pretty places to be.
  • Door prizes and swag from Knitterella, Plucky Knitter, Know Your Cuts of Lamb, JC Briar, Chris de Longpre, Hunter Hammersen, Jill Wolcott, Betty Salpekar, Lilly Sweater Brush
  • Sarah for gifts of shirts and Scholar.

My last visual as I drove off past the valet parking circle was of bellhops with carts loaded down with luggage and multiple yellow bags.

We all done good.

Here are just a few shots from the fashion show:

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Until next time…fashion show videos are popping up.

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